General Questions
- Why did my customer get charged if their credit card was declined?
- How do I contact customer service?
- Can a customer reorder a previous order?
- Responding to Chargebacks
- Logging in to your Paytronix Online Ordering account
- How will my restaurant receive order notifications?
- Is Paytronix Online Ordering PCI Compliant?
- How do I change my password?
- How long does it take for my restaurant to get paid?
- How do I delete/deactivate my Paytronix Online Ordering account?
- Can my customers save their credit card information to expedite orders?
- Can I see a Paytronix Online Ordering Menu in action?
- How long does it take to build a Paytronix Online Ordering menu?
- What currencies are supported by Paytronix Online Ordering?
- Can orders be altered after they are placed in Paytronix Online Ordering system?
- Creating Categories
- How do my orders get processed?
- Can customers order food outside the restaurant hours of operation?
- Is reporting done in real time?
- Are there limits on how many menu items I can have?