Adjusting Orders

When confirming an order, it may be necessary to adjust the order prep time.

  • On the Pending Confirmation list, select the order you want to adjust

  • The order’s details will load

  • On the bottom toolbar, tap Adjust

  • The Adjust Order screen will load

  • To adjust the prep time for an ASAP / non-advance order:

    • Tap the Adjust Time field

    • Set the minutes/hours to the new prep time

    • Tap OK to save the new prep time

  • To adjust the prep date/time for an advance / future order:

    • Tap the Adjust Date field

    • Set the date to the new order date (e.g. 12/5/2013)

    • Tap OK to save the new order date

    • Tap the Adjust Time field

    • Set the time to the new order time (e.g. 4:30 PM)

    • Tap OK to save the new order time

  • Tap Adjust Order to confirm the order adjustments

What if I actually want to reject the order altogether?