Managing Active Orders
Once orders have been confirmed, they become active. Active orders remain in the active orders list until they have been completed by your staff.
Viewing Active Orders
To view the list of active orders:
Tap the menu button in the top-right corner
Select Active Orders from the menu
The main order list screen will load
Updating Order Status
Once an order has been confirmed, you will need to update the order’s status when key events occur, such as the order being ready for pick-up. To update the order’s status, you can simply click on the order or swipe it to the side. This will advance the order to the next step, which is usually completing it in the basic 2-step workflow.
If you need to review the order after it is in Active orders, you will want to click on the "Due In" time stamp on the left side. This is the only part that will expand the order without updating it to the next status. If you are viewing the order, you can also update the status by following these steps:
Click on "Update Status" button
Tap the status you want to set, and the display should highlight the new status
Tap Apply to submit the status update
Once the order is Done, it will go into the Order History. How to view Completed orders.