Adjusting Orders
When confirming an order, it may be necessary to adjust the order prep time.
On the Pending Confirmation list, select the order you want to adjust
The order’s details will load
On the bottom toolbar, tap Adjust
The Adjust Order screen will load
To adjust the prep time for an ASAP / non-advance order:
Tap the Adjust Time field
Set the minutes/hours to the new prep time
Tap OK to save the new prep time
To adjust the prep date/time for an advance / future order:
Tap the Adjust Date field
Set the date to the new order date (e.g. 12/5/2013)
Tap OK to save the new order date
Tap the Adjust Time field
Set the time to the new order time (e.g. 4:30 PM)
Tap OK to save the new order time
Tap Adjust Order to confirm the order adjustments