Introducing Enterprise Settings Management

Having multiple stores requires upkeep — of information as well as the physical locations. Our new Enterprise Settings Management update is a powerful way to streamline information updates across multiple locations.

From making edits in bulk to scheduling and auditing, your team can use this feature to save time, ensure consistency, and even reduce the risk of making an error. Let's take a closer look at the major aspects of this feature and how it can help you manage information about multiple locations.

New enterprise features

Batch editing across multiple locations

We've made updating identical store information across multiple locations a lot easier. Instead of the manual process of going to each location page — a time-consuming task — you can now make the same edit to multiple locations at once.

Store hours, prices, or codes are just a few examples of the edits that you can make. Not only does batching the same edits together save time, it also ensures consistency across your brand and leaves less room for error.

Scheduling changes across multiple locations

The enterprise settings management update gives you the ability to schedule batch edits in advance. This helps you save time, plan ahead, and avoid any last-minute scrambling.

When making the same edit to multiple locations, you’ll see the option to either “Publish Now” or schedule for a specific time and date. This feature is especially helpful for updating holiday hours, offering special promotions, or making other time-specific changes.

Batch editing of unique site settings

In many cases, individual stores have details not shared by other locations. For example, hours, phone numbers, sales tax information, and other details can all be unique.

Instead of manually editing these details on each store’s page, this update allows you to edit fields on a single page, saving time and simplifying the task at hand.

Auditing site settings and file uploading

Keeping track of multiple store settings can be daunting. To help, we’ve made it easy to download a file with important store details found on the Individual Settings Management page. You can also use this same file as a base for uploading new information into the Upload Settings File page.