How to Create and Edit Groups in Enterprise Settings Management

In this article, we’ll go over how to create and edit store groups, which can help save time when making bulk changes to various stores.

Creating groups is a simple way to align stores with similar settings, such as taxes, order types offered (takeout, delivery, or curbside, or payment types accepted. This can help you ensure consistency when making store settings changes in bulk in the future.

Steps for creating restaurant or site groups

  1. First, go to Enterprise Management > Manage Store Groups. Select “Add Groups,” on the upper left-hand side of the screen.
  2. You’ll see a text box appear from which you can name each group: 
    Text boxes to enter restaurant group names
  3. Enter the group names and click on “Save Groups” to create them.

Assigning restaurants to each group

Next, you will need to assign which stores belong to each group. While this may take a bit of time now, it will save you time when making settings changes in the future.

  1. After saving your created groups, select “Assign Restaurants.”
  2. You will be brought to a page with a list of all your sites. Here, you can assign each site to the corresponding groups using the check boxes on the right. checkboxes to select groups for each restaurant
  3. If needed, you may assign multiple sites to multiple groups.
  4. Select “Save and Publish” to continue.

Note that selecting “Save Group Assignments,” will save your configurations, but will not publish them, which means you won’t be able to use them elsewhere in the system.

Validating and Scheduling the changes

Validating your changes is easy. On the following page, select “Validate” to ensure the changes are made. This may take a few minutes. After that, you can refresh the page.

Once you’ve refreshed the page, review your changes and confirm everything is correct. Once you have confirmed, you are ready to schedule.
Select “Schedule Publish” to publish either now or at a future date. To see the changes published immediately, you can enter any time in the past.
Now, when you go into Enterprise Settings Management or Individual Settings Management, the groups you created should appear.

Editing restaurant groups

To edit the name of a restaurant group, simply type over the name of an existing group.
renaming groups in text boxes
Follow the same steps as above to save and publish your groups.