Step 9 - Going Live

At this point, most of the actual configurations and such are complete. This article sums up everything you need to do before launching your menu.

Delete Test Orders

Go to your order history page. Check to see if there are any real orders or if they are all test orders.

  • If there are real orders, you will need to manually delete them. If you have used a CC to pay for them, you should first refund them. 

Setup Menu Schedules / Times

If your menu has categories or items that are only available during certain times of day, make sure they are scheduled as such so they don't show up as available to order when they are not.

Turn Off Coming Soon Prompt

Go to Settings > General Settings and scroll to the bottom of the page. Uncheck the Prelaunch Mode checkbox and save your settings. If the link is already on your website, you should be live and ready to accept orders now! If it is not on your website, go back to Step 1 to complete those steps.