Creating a Delivery Instructions Field

If you want to ask customers if they have any special requests or instructions for a delivery order, it's easy to add a checkout field.

  • In the admin back-end, go to the restaurant you want to manage
  • On the top toolbar, go to Settings and select Menu/Checkout Settings
  • Scroll down to the Custom Checkout Fields section
  • Click the Add Checkout Field button (on the right side)
  • Configure the new field as follows:
    • Field Name: Delivery Instructions
    • Show On: Delivery
    • For Field Type, we recommend either a Single-line text field, Multi-line text field
    • You may want to provide Help Text to help guests understand what information want them to provide

  • If you want to require Contactless Delivery, check the Required checkbox, set the Field Label to "Contactless Delivery" and the Help Text to something like "Our drivers are practicing Contactless Delivery. Please provide us instructions of where to leave your food and how to best notify you of delivery. "

  • Click the Save button to save the new field

If you're using a delivery service provider integration for delivery, such as DoorDash, these instructions will be transmitted to the DSP as long as the field name contains the word instructions.