How to export Windows event logs
In some cases, our support team may need your Windows 'Application' logs in order to help troubleshoot issues you may be having. To do this, you'll want to follow these steps:
- Click on the Windows Start button and type event into the Search Bar:
- In the results list above the Search Bar, click Event Viewer:
- This will bring up the Event Viewer window:
- In Event Viewer's left pane, click to expand Windows Logs, then click on Application:
- Right-click on Application, then click Save All Events As...:
- This will bring up a window to allow you to name and save the log file:
- As shown above, please use the following naming convention: [RESTAURANT_NAME]_[YYYY-MM-DD]. This helps us to better keep track log files as they are sent to us.
- Click Save, then attach the log file in an email and send it to [email protected]