POSItouch System Requirement

System Requirements

  • SPCWin version 6.4, dated 2/3/14 or later (check the file date)
  • BOSETUPW.exe dated 1/6/14 or later (check the file date)
  • SPCWIN.INI setting of “XMLInOrderPath” as explained below
  • XML Ordering enabled on the security key. Sites’ local dealers can enable this functionality at the request of the site.  Run SECURITY.EXE to check this, it’s under XML Ord
  • Enable the option in XML I/O setup in the backoffice, “XML Order Detect Interval” in seconds. This option tells the POSitouch system how often to check for incoming XML orders. A value of zero (0) disables the XML ordering functionality.

If the POSi station is older, contact the dealer to upgrade.